Monday, 24 September 2007

The Library Project

I mentioned previously some of the projects I'm involved in currently, but I didn't mention the fact that I've taken on the task of setting up a library for the Beacon church. It came about because a few months ago a couple of people chanced to mention a particular book to me, and recommend I read it. Whilst I'm not working I'm disinclined to spend too much on luxuries for myself as it doesn't seem fair on Vic. I asked to borrow the book - neither person could locate their copy and both recalled they had lent it to someone else but couldn't remember to whom. From this came the inspiration for the idea that it would be good to catalogue all the Christian books we've got at home on our bookshelves and have a central 'virtual library' with a system for requesting books and keeping track of where they were so that they eventually find their way back to their owner's bookshelf. It fits in with the principle of New Testament living of believers sharing their possessions (Acts 2:44). I put the idea forward, the leaders gave their blessing and a church member introduced me to 'LibraryThing' which seemed heaven-sent for the purpose! I sent off for a barcode scanner and was all set to go.

Originally I had intended that the books stay on people's bookshelves, but as it turned out, there were a number of books already at the Beacon building, including a large box of children's books. I was encouraged to bring them home and begin with cataloguing these. A wet Monday when I'd caught up with all the usual household tasks provided the ideal moment. I picked up the book on top of the pile of junior books …. and started reading it. It was so interesting, I read it from cover to cover … and by the time I'd finished, it was time to go and have a cup of tea with a new friend, June, from the allotments. Altogether a very pleasant day, although perhaps not quite as productive as I had intended. Oh well, to borrow a phrase, so it goes …

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