Knowing my interest in growing things and in healthy eating, David gave me this very fancy herb garden for Christmas/birthday. Each day we marvel at the speed with which the herbs grow: mint, italian basil, dill, cilantro along the back row, parsley (yet to put in an appearance), purple basil, chives in front. Looking forward to trying out some of the suggested recipes.
At the weekend I decided I wanted to start making my own yoghurt again (it was something I used to do years ago). The first two batches failed. I was using Onken bio-pot natural yoghurt as a starter and wondered if the problem lay there, so yesterday I tried a teaspoon of Yeo Valley yoghurt as the starter, and left it well-wrapped up in tea towels overnight. Success!
Tonight Cell Group is meeting here, so this has been my excuse to make a batch of Chocolate Krispy cakes and a batch of lemon-iced gluten-free sponge drops. So much for the planned 'healthy eating' regime to get me back in shape! The gluten-free sponge drops were experimental, and absorbed in what I was doing, I missed an appointment with the psych - unusual for me. At the point I remembered it, and realised I was late, the phone rang. As I answered it, I accidentally pushed a button which cut off the call. Assuming it had been from the psych ringing to see why I hadn't turned up, I dialled her number and gave my apologies, and we re-scheduled the appointment. During the course of our conversation, I realised the phone call I had cut off hadn't been from her after all. I dialled 1471, listened long enough to hear the number of the last caller, then dialled it. Had I listened longer, I would have discovered that the last recorded number to call had been at 10.40 am. How the phone rang at 1.10 pm is a mystery. My favoured explanation is that it happened to get my attention.
At the weekend I decided I wanted to start making my own yoghurt again (it was something I used to do years ago). The first two batches failed. I was using Onken bio-pot natural yoghurt as a starter and wondered if the problem lay there, so yesterday I tried a teaspoon of Yeo Valley yoghurt as the starter, and left it well-wrapped up in tea towels overnight. Success!
Tonight Cell Group is meeting here, so this has been my excuse to make a batch of Chocolate Krispy cakes and a batch of lemon-iced gluten-free sponge drops. So much for the planned 'healthy eating' regime to get me back in shape! The gluten-free sponge drops were experimental, and absorbed in what I was doing, I missed an appointment with the psych - unusual for me. At the point I remembered it, and realised I was late, the phone rang. As I answered it, I accidentally pushed a button which cut off the call. Assuming it had been from the psych ringing to see why I hadn't turned up, I dialled her number and gave my apologies, and we re-scheduled the appointment. During the course of our conversation, I realised the phone call I had cut off hadn't been from her after all. I dialled 1471, listened long enough to hear the number of the last caller, then dialled it. Had I listened longer, I would have discovered that the last recorded number to call had been at 10.40 am. How the phone rang at 1.10 pm is a mystery. My favoured explanation is that it happened to get my attention.
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