Thursday, 24 January 2008

Ladies Who Lunch

Last night's Cell Group meeting went ok - the Krispy cakes were popular, the gluten-free sponge drops less so, unsurprisingly. Vic had tried one beforehand and complained that they sucked all the moisture out of your mouth, an attribute I felt duty-bound to mention as I placed them on the table and invited people to help themselves. He also suggested I should pretend they had been made by a primary-school child as the lemon icing was of less-than-professional standard, to put it politely :-)

One thing did make me smile inwardly was noticing a speck of glitter on Christina's face. I'm guessing she caught it from me when we embraced in a girly-greeting. That stuff gets EVERYWHERE! It's from the party top I wore at Christmas. I popped it into a pillowcase to wash it, the same pillow-case I use to wash my bras in (so that the hooks don't catch on other clothes). Of course, it was all over the next bra I washed. I tried to shake some of it off, and then had to hoover the kitchen. We've probably inhaled specks - wonder if they'll show up on an X-ray :-)

Went for a girly lunch in the local chinatown eat-all-you-want buffet restaurant, which was very pleasant. There were five in the group, 3 from Cell group, one friend from the allotments plus her friend from U3A. I walked there and back, maybe a mile and a quarter each way, to atone for the unnecessarily large number of calories I've eaten today. Dance class tonight should help on that score, too. Over lunch we talked about making it a regular thing for a group of ladies to meet together and encourage each other in goal-setting and attainment. On the way I passed the Baptist church and considered joining their Scrabble club, meeting on Tuesday mornings, with the option to stay for lunch afterwards. On the other hand, I won't have quite so much spare time on my hands if I get the job I'm attending a recruitment/training day for next week. We'll see. Meanwhile I'm keeping the grey cells active with Sudoku puzzles, and occasionally still keeping up my Brain Age Training on David's Nintendo DS. I've been reluctant to re-do the Brain Age test since I scored 30, and Dr Kawashima admitted he was impressed :-)

Now I'm waiting in for the Window Installers to come and replace a pane that has cracked, and casting the odd longing glance out of the window at the clear blue sky and winter sunshine. Would have been a nice day to go over the allotment.

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