One of today’s ‘Bible in a Year’ readings is Mark 16:1-8, about Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome going to the tomb where Jesus’ body had been laid and meeting a ‘young man dressed in a white robe’ who told them not to be alarmed, Jesus had risen. Having read this, I turned to ‘A Course in Miracles’ and discovered today’s Lesson (Lesson 163) is ‘There is no death. The Son of God is free.’ I guess a non-believer would regard this kind of coincidence as no more than the operation of the laws of probability and that it is the believer’s selective attention which seeks to make of it evidence for faith in God. Whatever, it brings joy like a shaft of sunlight penetrating a gloomy place to a believer. Even as I type this, on the radio Stuart McAllister is talking about hope, and the Christian’s hope for the time when there is no more death nor sadness, nor sickness nor pain – where all things are renewed to be as they are meant to be. The presenter’s exposition of salvation doctrine goes on to talk about the present tense: I am being saved – God is at work in my life through the power of His Holy Spirit, transforming me inwardly from the ‘orrible person I once was to one who fully accepts the atonement for myself and accepts the righteousness of Jesus so that my life reflects God’s glory. “Hope is the oxygen of the soul”, he declares. As I reflect on that phrase, a recent TV advert comes to mind for an oxygen-based cleaning product, showing bubbles releasing stubborn stains to give a deep-down clean. Talking of which, Cell group is here tonight so I need to get busy soon and do a bit of cleaning. I’ve already baked some biscuits, and I might just pick a few flowers from the garden to make the place look nice.PS Having cleaned the bathroom this morning, I went over the allotment this afternoon and cut the grass with the strimmer, then came home and stripped off the clothes I'd been wearing ... showering the bathroom floor in fragments of cut grass! You've got to laugh, haven't you!?!PPS As usual, I made chicken stock on Sunday (from the chicken carcase). Today I used it to make some leek and potato soup. It was so thick, it literally supported the spoon (and very tasty, might I add).
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