Sunday 28 September 2008


Vic is re-flooring the garden room to turn it into a dance studio for me. We’ve been having a clear-out of all the things that got stored down there when Dave moved back home. Now he’s moved out into his own property and it’s obvious he has no need of some of the things we kept, thinking they might CIUOD*

That’s where freecycle proves so useful! I advertised a small wardrobe with shelves on freecycle. Being really keen to get it out of the way as soon as possible, I suggested to Vic that we take the unusual step of offering local delivery. He was reluctant at first, but I persisted and wore him down (pointing out he might as well deliver it to somewhere it would get some use rather than taking it down the local dump). When I had someone interested in it, I consulted Vic about when it would be convenient for him to deliver. “I don’t mind” he said, and started to prepare it for moving. I spoke to the freecycler, who confirmed they would be around in a couple of hours. This suited me as it gave us time to have lunch beforehand. I went to convey the news to Vic. "Oh great!" he snarled, his intonation indicating it was anything but. “But you said you didn’t mind when!” I protested. He had assumed they would be coming straight away.

This afternoon our fellow freecycler arrived in a small saloon car with his wife and nephew and helped Vic load it into his large estate. They seemed delighted with their acquisition, also with the large courgette I pressed upon them. I was delighted to send both to a good home.

*Come In Useful One Day

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