Friday, 5 September 2008

"It rains because you're sad, baby"

As I wrote on 13th August, I have to get my driving licence renewed annually due to a recent history of serious mental illness. Yesterday I phoned the DVLA to chase progress on issuing the new licence and to ask whether it’s ok for me to drive in the meantime. The person who answered checked my file and said the forms had now been returned, no doubt the licence would be issued very soon but a certificate would be put in the post to confirm I can drive in the interim. Fortunately I didn’t get in the car and start driving because today I received a letter to say that my application has been refused as national standards of fitness to drive advised by the Secretary of State’s Panel of Psychiatrists require at least 3 months of stable mental health with satisfactory compliance with recommended treatment before resuming driving. This was a blow. The two psychiatrists I’ve seen recently have both agreed I’m ok to drive, and took the three month standard as a guideline rather than an absolute. I can appeal, or simply re-apply when eligible. Do I accept the ruling and wait patiently, or take it to appeal (bearing in mind the Zen concept that attachment leads to suffering)? (Following this link will take you off this blog - you can use the 'back' button on your browser to return)

Walked into town in the rain to meet up with friends for coffee. It rained most of the day. “It rains because you’re sad, baby” (Men in Black II)

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