Sunday, 16 November 2008

The Weekend: Good News/Bad News

Saturday morning I went over the allotment to harvest a couple of lovely healthy, hearty cabbages for Cell Group lunch tomorrow then got on with making desserts: apple crumble, gluten-free tiramisu and a large lemon cheesecake.

Bev rang and invited me to a concert with her tonight in Reading in aid of Hope Asia, a small charity supporting an orphanage in Cambodia. Bev’s friends’ daughter Alice is a student singer/songwriter, and her music teacher helped organise the concert featuring those of her students who wished to participate. There were varying levels of talent – a couple of them (including Alice) were very good. Besides a few songs written by the performers, the repertoire varied from ancient hymns (‘I vow to thee my country’; ‘Amazing Grace’) to songs from musicals, to classics such as Simon and Garfunkel’s ‘Sounds of Silence’.

Last night’s concert had set me thinking about another singer/songwriter I knew (from St Mary’s, the church I attended before moving to The Beacon), and with her already in my thoughts, it was a delightful surprise to see her at church Sunday morning. She hasn’t had the breakthrough she’s been looking for with her music, but gave me a 4 track CD of her work. She’s got a lovely voice (think Katie Mellua meets Dido meets Joss Stone). Only hope the success she deserves comes her way soon. You can check out her music
here. (This link will take you off this page – you can select a track to listen to).

We had 50+ sitting down to eat for Cell group lunch – it’s a very popular event.

When I got home and checked my emails, it was to discover that my application for the admin post has been unsuccessful.

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