Saturday, 16 January 2010

The Thaw Continues

Rain overnight has begun to make a difference, chasing away the white stuff to reveal the greenery underneath. For the first time since the heavy snowfall, I made it down the gym today. Boy, did that feel good, not least because the car started first go, despite having sat out in the cold unused for over a week. From the gym I went on to do some grocery shopping at the supermarket. Not such a good plan as by then the place was heaving at the seams. Might have been better to do the supermarket early, before the gym. Oh well ... live and learn as the saying goes.

The rain continued much of the morning, combining with the melt to flood the roads in places. With the snow gone, the pothole damage to the roads becomes only too apparent, making the drive home something of an obstacle course trying to avoid the worst of the potholes and the floods. It was also noticeable how many trees have shed large branches under the weight of all that snow. The thaw might be well under way but the country will take a little longer to recover from the consequences of the weather ... and the wheelie bins still haven't been emptied.

I had hoped to get over the allotment and start clearing up the debris from the fire but it was far too wet today.

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