Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Fragrance Junkie

My name is Patricia and I’m a fragrance junkie.

Yes, ‘tis true. I can still remember a ramble many years ago when at the end of the walk I couldn’t have told you what landmarks we’d passed or described the scenery because the whole way round the route, I’d been focused on the wonderful smell of a fellow rambler’s aftershave, and quietly followed behind as close as I could without tripping over him, revelling in his perfume.

On our recent trip to Bala, I noticed the owners of Cyffdy Farm cottages had paid a lot of attention to detail. One charming example of this was the delightful fragrance of the bed-linen. I commented as much to our host and learned it was Lenor.

Now one of the qualities Vic and I share in common is that we’re generally thrifty. Fabric conditioner was one of those little luxuries we’ve been perfectly happy to do without for any number of years. However, I was so taken with the fragrance of the bed-linen on holiday that our shopping trip on Saturday saw me surreptitiously sniffing the various bottles of Lenor and subsequently placing two bottles (it was on special offer!) of ‘sleep sensations’ in the trolley. Mmmmmm… heavenly! The drawback is I'm not wanting to get out of bed!

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