Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Friendly Overtures

Went swimming lunchtime. Met Jill L_ (wife of one of Vic’s former colleagues when he worked for Newbury Data). Jill and I were friends back then, but haven’t seen each other for years and took the opportunity to catch up with each other’s news.

After the swim I picked up a couple of friendly text messages – one from a church friend and one from a friend I made in hospital – plus an email via the FriendsReunited site from someone I shared a house with when we were at Hatfield together.

I reflected on the coincidence of Mark preaching on friendship* on Sunday, encouraging us to move towards others and to deepen our friendships, and the number of friendly overtures suggesting get-togethers I’ve received this week.

*to read about this, click on link – you can use back button on your browser to return to this page.

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