Saturday 8 March 2008

Busy, busy, busy

Writing about the state of the desk in yesterday's blog entry was enough to spur me on to tackle the clutter. A quick flurry of activity once I'd switched the PC off, and 20 minutes later the desk was reasonably tidy, the paperwork up-to-date (most of it filed in 'the round bin') and even the ironing done!

Tonight I'm going to a sixties/seventies themed birthday party. I've dug out a dress I last wore when I was 15. As I write, the yoghurt is draining ready to make a dip with cucumber, garlic, fresh chopped mint and dill, to serve with crudités. I'm also making a lemon cheesecake, but that's for tomorrow's Cell Group lunch. In addition to cheesecake, I'm down to provide 60 roast potatoes but for once I decided to 'cheat' and this morning I bought some frozen roast potatoes. That meant I had some spare time left to go and put in a couple of hours over the allotment, aided and abetted by friend and dance partner, B_. We almost finished preparing the ground ready for the seed potatoes to go in before bad weather set in. In the shed the tubers I bought at the potato fair are looking healthy, but the Foremost 'first earlies' I bought from another plotholder look like they're going mouldy.

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