What's that old saying, "March comes in like a lion, goes out like a lamb" ? I wonder if today counts as lion or lamb - sunny, bright and mild says lamb, but those winds are fierce ...
I like the way Google tweak their logo to reference celebrations, such as the daffodil and the leek for St David's Day. The daffodils look bright over the allotment. I spent two or three hours there this morning. The strawberries were 'duvet diving' - and who can blame them in this wind! When they were planted out, they each had a hole specially cut in the weed suppressant material, with their leaves carefully teased through and the material tucked around to cover the soil, but the high wind has got under the material and lifted it right off the ground. My first job was to put in extra ground pegs to anchor the material and tease the strawberry plants back through. Next I decided it was time to remove the old posts left by the former plotholder, which used to support nets over the cabbage patch. I took hold of one and yanked ... despite my very best efforts, I couldn't move it even a fraction. I began to feel a bit like I was trying to remove 'the sword in the stone' without having the necessary magical quality. Looks like it's a job for one of the boys.
The couple on a plot opposite mine have had two massive tanks delivered, leaving me speculating as to whether they're into hydroponics or maybe installing a couple of sensory deprivation tanks - very intriguing!
I was doing some heavy work (turning the soil over) and it was lovely to come home and be spoiled - Vic cooked us an 'all day breakfast' for lunch - bacon, fried eggs, baked beans, mushrooms, grilled tomatoes and chips. We'll have a salad for tea to make up for it, and I picked some more purple-sprouting broccoli for dinner tomorrow.
I like the way Google tweak their logo to reference celebrations, such as the daffodil and the leek for St David's Day. The daffodils look bright over the allotment. I spent two or three hours there this morning. The strawberries were 'duvet diving' - and who can blame them in this wind! When they were planted out, they each had a hole specially cut in the weed suppressant material, with their leaves carefully teased through and the material tucked around to cover the soil, but the high wind has got under the material and lifted it right off the ground. My first job was to put in extra ground pegs to anchor the material and tease the strawberry plants back through. Next I decided it was time to remove the old posts left by the former plotholder, which used to support nets over the cabbage patch. I took hold of one and yanked ... despite my very best efforts, I couldn't move it even a fraction. I began to feel a bit like I was trying to remove 'the sword in the stone' without having the necessary magical quality. Looks like it's a job for one of the boys.
The couple on a plot opposite mine have had two massive tanks delivered, leaving me speculating as to whether they're into hydroponics or maybe installing a couple of sensory deprivation tanks - very intriguing!
I was doing some heavy work (turning the soil over) and it was lovely to come home and be spoiled - Vic cooked us an 'all day breakfast' for lunch - bacon, fried eggs, baked beans, mushrooms, grilled tomatoes and chips. We'll have a salad for tea to make up for it, and I picked some more purple-sprouting broccoli for dinner tomorrow.
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