Monday, 11 August 2008

Allotment Update

Yet more courgettes and French beans! This time I phoned the Residential Home for Adults with Learning Disabilities that I used to work at and asked them if they could use the courgettes. A number of these have grown into marrows. The manager accepted gratefully, agreeing that Stuffed Marrow was a traditional meal that many of the residents would be familiar with and would enjoy.

Over the weekend a friend helped me harvest the remaining ‘Foremost’ First Early and ‘Saxon’ Second Early potatoes. Total yield was over 30 lbs of Foremost and over 50 lbs of Saxons. Many of the Saxons are baking potato size, and maybe because of the combination of drought in their early growing phase then over-abundance of water in their latter days, they have strange creases in them. Some of the potatoes also have small black holes in them, which may or may not be eelworm, but overall certainly a pleasing harvest.

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