Sunday, 3 August 2008


Saturday 2nd
Over the allotment there is much to be done. In three hours I harvested more courgettes, cauliflower, sugar snap peas, French beans, carrots and swede, and dug up one and a half rows of the ‘Foremost’ first early potatoes. They look a bit scabby but otherwise quite a good yield. On top of all the courgettes I’ve given away already, today’s harvest would have stocked a greengrocer’s! The people on the neighbouring plot were happy to take two off my hands, and the rest I passed on to a couple from church who run a charity supporting an orphanage in Uganda (the plan being they would offer them in exchange for donations to the orphanage, along with copies of courgette recipes). Got a lift home with all the produce and set to work making a delicious fresh vegetable masala for dinner. Feel free to ask if you want the recipe. There was enough left over to freeze two generous portions.

Sunday 3rd
Today I had some help lifting the remaining first early potatoes, plus one plant’s-worth of the ‘Saxon’ second earlies to see what they’re like. Had the Saxons roasted for dinner - delicious!
Blanched and froze the cauliflower, peas and beans.

*If someone who sells vegetables is a greengrocer, is someone who gives them away a greengracer?

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