After lunch I went over the allotment with Louise. I probably haven't told you about Louise and the allotment ...? Well, back before Christmas vandals burnt down the two sheds on my allotment and the loss of the sheds and all my gardening tools etc plus my plans to return to paid employment made me decide it was time to draw a line under the whole thing. However ... my other allotment-holder friends really felt I would miss it if I gave it up entirely and after due consideration I finally decided to keep it on for at least another year, but share the work with a couple of others: Roger (a church contact) and Louise (a near neighbour). This afternoon we all spent some time digging the ground over getting it ready for the new season.
Afterwards I came home and planted some anemones in the garden then cooked a tasty meal for myself and a friend before we went to see 'Leap Year' at the cinema. I thoroughly enjoyed the film, it kept me chuckling all the way through - a real treat and a great end to a nice day.
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