There's an old saying, March comes in like a lion, goes out like a lamb. Wonder how it goes when we meet the lamb first? What a glorious day! Bright blue sky and warm sunshine. I had my first interview at 10 am this morning - did I tell you I'm job-hunting? I'm sure I told you ... I've applied for about 12 positions so far and received rejections for some of them and an invitation to interview for one. When the call came, it was to my mobile whilst I was in town and I was very careful not to let on that I couldn't remember which job it was because I'd applied for so many. When I got home and checked my paperwork, I realised that the hours weren't ideal, but nonetheless I attended for interview. I need the practice - much more than I realised, as it happens. The lady interviewing was lovely, very kind, but I was thrown by her very first question: "Tell me a little about yourself". Ok, in retrospect I should have been better prepared. As it was I fumbled my answer. Afterwards I dropped in on a friend who offered some crumbs of comfort.
In the evening I went to see the film 'The Lovely Bones' with another friend. I have to say I don't think it was my best choice, although the cinematography was incredible.
Oh, by the way - the photo above shows a neighbour's cat perched on a stone in my garden pretending to be a statue. He sat there motionless for a good few minutes. I took the photo with the camera on my mobile phone from a distance of about 25' through a window, hence the poor quality.
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