Friday, 29 February 2008

Good News, Bad News

I braved the Thursday night dance class on my own and was glad I'd gone along. Learned a couple of new steps in the jive and the quickstep. Next week we graduate to the 'Intermediate' class (same time, other end of the hall).

David has found a house he wants to buy and his offer has been accepted. He's put things in motion with the solicitor and a surveyor. He had an interesting 'world-shrinking' conversation on the phone with the surveyor as they discovered a number of common acquaintances. The connections even stretched back to a surveyor I worked for a number of years ago, who shared the same birthday with David (different year, of course!).

I was up early and over the allotment this morning, enjoying the peace and the birdsong. Then I came home and made the appointed phone call to receive the results of the core biopsy performed last Friday. They found some abnormal cells and have made me an appointment to see a consultant at the local hospital next Thursday. He will look at the X-rays, the results of the core biopsy and the doctor's report, then he will arrange to operate to remove the area (which is very small at this stage), and explain what further treatment, if any, will follow the operation. (More likely to be radiotherapy than chemotherapy).

How do I feel? Surprised, I guess - had assumed the results would be 'nothing abnormal detected'. Otherwise ok. These are the five affirmations from 'A Course in Miracles' for review today:

God is the strength in which I trust

God is the love with which I forgive

There is nothing to fear

God's voice speaks to me all through the day

I am sustained by the love of God

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