Thursday, 2 December 2010
Snow, so no go

Saturday, 13 November 2010
The Cruiser's Return
The cruise was called 'Colourful Coasts' and took me on an interesting voyage around the Canary Islands to Madeira and Morocco. One of the highlights has to be the tree-climbing goats of Morocco. It's like something out of the film, The Bucket List! You remember the special coffee beans that caused Morgan Freeman's character so much amusement? I have two words to say to you: Argan oil. Go on, look it up on Wikipedia.
Sunday, 31 October 2010
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Spiritual Journeying: Food for Thought
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Eat Pray Love
Friday, 17 September 2010
Sunset over Swanpool
Thursday, 16 September 2010
Massaging those Vital Statistics?
I guess the photo of an elderly cocker spaniel is a big disappointment to the majority of lascivious readers!
Friday, 10 September 2010
Cardiff & The Moody Blues
As we crossed the Severn Bridge, we left the sunshine behind and entered the wet world of Wales. We arrived at 3.15 and were fortunate to find a parking space outside the Guesthouse, which looked across the River Taff to the Millennium Stadium.
Why do we never get an answer

We went to the door and knocked and knocked ... no reply. My friend tried phoning ... no reply. Eventually a couple came out and I took the opportunity to go in whilst my friend stayed with the car (we needed to get a parking permit from the landlady). Inside there was a bell to ring for attention. Still no reply. After a while another guest arrived at the front door and knocked. I let him in and (there being no lounge) we waited together in the hallway for a good twenty minutes. He explained he was an entertainer, booked for a nurses' party nearby, and had been hoping to get his head down for a nap for a couple of hours before his gig. I'm guessing he does John Cleese/Basil Fawlty impressions as there was a strong resemblance. Eventually our landlady arrived, dripping wet and full of apologies - she'd had an unexpected visitor and had to walk her to the station.
My friend and I were glad to get in and use the bathroom before donning our jackets and heading out into the city for a coffee and to collect the tickets from the box office. We walked around a while, enjoying some of the sights, such as this pelican statue, and the family group.

Laughter is the best cosmetic -grin and wear it!
A bumper sticker:
A still tongue makes for a happy life
The castle. Look, they've hung the flags out!

Each and every heart it seems
Is bounded by a world of dreams ...
… and perhaps in my wildest dreams I might have imagined hearing the Moody Blues play live – in which case this was a dream come true
…and somehow I’ll return again to you
Saturday, 4 September 2010
Shy Kid Re-emerges

By contrast, my young friend is extremely feisty. Having learnt my children are grown up and I haven't got any grandchildren, she and her friend have made me their adoptive gran. We went to the Community Fun Day together, and I watched in admiration as she threw herself fully into every experience on offer, asking the firemen if she could climb on the fire engine, scampering up the climbing wall like a monkey and generally giving herself a grand adventure. It was great to see.
Later on I popped round

Akiane, Child Prodigy
Friday, 3 September 2010
Wooo hooo!

Thursday, 2 September 2010
Things you see when you haven't got a camera
Monday, 30 August 2010
Notting Hill Carnival

In the background you can see barbecue smoke

After a meal in Yates (one of our favourite eating places in London), we walked back to the Hotel. We'd booked in advance thinking that with it being Bank Holiday weekend and the Notting Hill Carnival, rooms would be hard to find. In fact it looked like there were plenty of vacancies, and lower prices than the online rates. Oh well, can't win 'em all. Earlier in the year I spent a long weekend in Norfolk, and my room there was at the top of the three-storey Guest House, with several narrow stair

Monday, 23 August 2010
Sew creative!
- I began the day with a trip to the gym - always a good way to start the week (not least because of the extra calories I've indulged in over the weekend).
- At the weekend I noticed that the plastic peg basket was broken. I also noticed when we were playing Scrabble there was a hole in the letters' bag. This morning I got the sewing machine out and made myself a new letters' bag out of a scrap of green fabric I happened to have lying around, then went on to make a new peg bag from part of an old curtain.
I may have mentioned before that I detested sewing lessons at school, probably because I felt so inept at it. That might go some way to explain why I'm feeling so pleased with my new-found ability to create useful things from material.
Sunday, 22 August 2010
Some work, some play
Dave and Vic had been working hard on the construction of Dave's garden room, so we invited them over in the evening to share a home-made curry with all the trimmings, followed by games of Dominoes and a card game Vicky taught us called, charmingly, 'sh-t-head'. Dave spotted the Scrabble box and commented that there's been a change of rules which has hit the headlines in a major way - apparently you can now use real names. I confess the news had escaped my notice and I can't really understand why the change anyway. Oh well, time moves on.
Sunday Vicky and I went to see 'Step Up' in 3D. There are some amazingly talented dancers out there these days - some of those moves are just mind-boggling - how do their bodies do that?!? Incredible strength and flexibility, I guess.
Friday, 20 August 2010
Ebay Success!

Friday, 13 August 2010
Stool Makeover

Tuesday, 10 August 2010
"To infinity ... and beyond!"
Friday, 6 August 2010
The Wine-Making Continues

Wednesday, 4 August 2010
Stool Make-Over

Monday, 2 August 2010
Domestic Goddess?

Friday, 30 July 2010

Wednesday, 28 July 2010
Salad Days and Home-Made Wine

This year has seen a huge crop of blackcurrants from the allotment. I've made plenty of jam and jelly and after chatting with the lady who runs the gardening group at work, I decided to venture into a little home wine-making. My mother was quite successful with home wine-making, as I recall, but this is my first batch ever*. It's releasing an interesting yeasty aroma at the moment in the first stage of fermentation.

Thursday, 22 July 2010
"Go ahead, inconvenience me"
Normally when I drive home, I come up College Ride. Today on impulse I used the A30 route. As I was approaching the traffic lights at Caesar’s Camp Road, I noticed on the opposite pavement a cyclist sitting down with the bike lying nearby. It was obvious at first glance the cyclist had come off, with large dark stains all down one side. This much I took in as I sped by. I wanted to get home quick because I needed to use the bathroom (having ignored the inner prompting to use the loo at work before I came away). Then Mark's blog post came to mind – the motto from the book, “Go ahead, inconvenience me”. As a result, I turned around and went back, pulling up alongside the cyclist. I’d thought it was a teenage boy, in fact it was a Slovakian lady in her 50’s cycling home from work. It was clear she had had a nasty fall and was badly bruised and shaken up. Together we managed to load the bike in the back of the car (it’s what estate cars are for) and set off for Blackwater where she was able to direct me to her home. She was very grateful (and I was very grateful to be able to use her bathroom before I came home). Seems the book’s influence is wider than its readership, thanks to the power of the internet!
Monday, 19 July 2010
Norfolk Lavender

Tuesday, 13 July 2010
Girl on a Motorcycle: Then and Now

Vicky my biker-chick daughter has now acquired a Yamaha Diversion. As you can see, motorbikes have been 'in her blood' since an early age.

Saturday, 10 July 2010
Summer School
I've been attending some of the Guildford Diocesan Summer School sessions:
- Who do you think you are? (Based on Ignatian Spirituality and the Spiritual Disciplines)
- Explore your faith
- Storytelling and Truth: From Milton to Philip Pullman
- Murals of St Martin's Church, Blackheath
Session 3 was led by Dr Anthony Cane, Chancellor of Chichester Cathedral, and he offered us some very interesting thoughts and ideas along with a wealth of quotes from C S Lewis, Philip Pullman, John Milton and JR Tolkien. Are storytellers 'sub-creators', sharing the creative attribute of God? We heard a definition of a parable: 'Truth jumps through the window while the mind is opening the door'.
Today's session began with a visit to St Martin's Church, Blackheath (the smallest village in Surrey). After hearing an abridged history of the village, we turned our attention to the murals decorating the inside of the church. These were painted in the summers of 1894 and 1895 by Anna Lea Merritt, most famous for her portrait, "Love Locked Out".

Helpfully, the signpost proclaims: This Way, That Way, Somewhere Else. What more could you need to know!
Monday, 28 June 2010
That Berry's Busty!

Friday, 25 June 2010
Labouring in the summer sun

Friday, 18 June 2010
Concert, favours, synchronicity
Friday, 11 June 2010
Tooth Fairy & Letters to Juliet
Thursday, 3 June 2010
Brighton Beach & George Benson

Friday, 28 May 2010
One small step for womankind

What a joy it is - you can set the speed really slow so that it stitches one stitch at a time rather than running away with you the instant you step on the pedal. So far I've only repaired a couple of pillowcases, but having discovered how easy it is to use, I'm encouraged to have a go at hemming a pair of walking trousers next.
It was a day of small triumphs. There were a couple of dead shrubs in the garden and I've now lifted those and put them ready to take down the dump tomorrow; I've cut the grass front and back, and changed the bulb in the light in the understairs cupboard. It's a bulkhead light with a protective metal cage held in place with a small screw, so once more I wielded that trusty Phillips-head screwdriver, and once more gained a sense of accomplishment.
Back in 2008 I had an operation to excise a small area of breast tissue affected by Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS). Yesterday I went back to the hospital for the annual mammogram to check there has been no recurrence, and found myself sitting next to one of the nurses from Wingfield Ward (there escorting a patient). It was nice catching up with each other's news, and being able to tell her I'm now back to work.
Sunday, 23 May 2010
The House at Cat Poo Corner

Here's a problem that is vexing -
moral question quite perplexing -
when a cat poops in my garden
should I offer it a pardon?
I confess to you, my forgiving readers: recently I did an officially 'not-very-nice' thing. Yes, I've checked my actions out with a trusted friend who assures me it is definitely not the thing to do if I want my neighbours to like me. Who of us wouldn't prefer our neighbours to like us?
Are you burning with curiosity to know what I did? Dare I tell you? But you might not like me! You might not leave nice comments on my blog! What? Oh yes, that's right - you don't leave nice comments anyway. Ok, I guess it's safe then.
Early one morning as I strolled in my garden enjoying the blue skies and golden sunshine and proudly checking out the newly sown flowerbed-in-the-making, I noticed a fresh fecal deposit in said seedbed. As mentioned in a previous blog post , the garden appears to serve as the public cat-litter box. Carefully with a garden trowel, I lifted this undesirable gift and just as carefully deposited it through the open trellis fencing into the neighbour's garden, inwardly justifying my action as one does in such matters by saying that it was not my property, and I was merely returning it to the owner.
Subsequently I advertised on freecycle for chicken wire or the like to lay across the ground in order to deter further unwanted deposits, and the photo shows the mesh panels I received in response to my request. These haven't been quite as successful as I'd hoped, the sure-footed culprits merely selecting the fringes of the area which the panels don't quite cover. Besides the mesh panels I received a couple of, um... 'helpful' suggestions:
1)grow a lemon tree. Apparently this is a sure-fire way of letting cats know your garden is off-limits. No explanation on how this works was offered.
2) scatter the ground with half-full plastic water bottles. No data on how many bottles per square metre was supplied. I suppose if there were sufficient, there would be no room for the cats to walk. How the seedlings would fare as they tried to emerge under the weight of the bottles is also undocumented.
So there you have it, folks. I know the Bible is very clear on the principle of 'turning the other cheek' should the enemy smite you on one cheek. I suppose going the extra mile in this instance would be creating an inviting custom built dirt box as I read about on this blog. (the link will take you to another webpage - scroll down to read how Mad Wicca dealt with her own cat's toileting needs). Will I be doing that in the near future? Answers on a postcard, please - or why not use the comments link below?